Maruša Stamać
Marusa Stamac is an award-winning communicator and expert in public and media relations, awarded by the Croatian Public Relations Association. She began her career at Nova TV, spending a decade as a journalist and investigative reporter.
Marusa advanced her career by founding a media consulting company, where she focuses on aiding her clients with media relations strategies and campaigns. With nearly a decade of experience in the media, she has become a successful media and public speaking trainer. Additionally, she is a co-founder and senior partner of Riha & Stamac Group, a UK-based consultancy firm serving both the UK and the EU.
In recent years, Marusa has successfully managed and inspired various teams and developed a nationwide strategy for one of Croatia's largest NGOs of entrepreneurs. Her extensive work with the public sector, including the Government and Parliament, led to legislative changes that earned her the Grand Prix award from the Croatian Public Relations Association.
Marusa's clientele includes executives from diverse sectors, particularly business and politics, encompassing political campaigns and civil society advocacy.
In 2023, Marusa graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Zagreb. She also serves as Vice President of the Croatian United Nations Association.
Marusa advanced her career by founding a media consulting company, where she focuses on aiding her clients with media relations strategies and campaigns. With nearly a decade of experience in the media, she has become a successful media and public speaking trainer. Additionally, she is a co-founder and senior partner of Riha & Stamac Group, a UK-based consultancy firm serving both the UK and the EU.
In recent years, Marusa has successfully managed and inspired various teams and developed a nationwide strategy for one of Croatia's largest NGOs of entrepreneurs. Her extensive work with the public sector, including the Government and Parliament, led to legislative changes that earned her the Grand Prix award from the Croatian Public Relations Association.
Marusa's clientele includes executives from diverse sectors, particularly business and politics, encompassing political campaigns and civil society advocacy.
In 2023, Marusa graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Zagreb. She also serves as Vice President of the Croatian United Nations Association.

Intervju: Maruša Stamać: "Najponosnija sam na kampanje kojima se nešto konkretno mijenja".
Razgovarali smo s Marušom Stamać, poznatom komunikacijskom savjetnicom te bivšom novinarkom s dugogodišnjim iskustvom.

Trenerica javnog nastupa analizirala je u čemu Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović i Zoran Milanović najviše kiksaju u govorima.
Novinarka Maruša Stamać je početkom godine postala medijska savjetnica i trenerica javnog nastupa - njene savjete danas traže mnoge javne osobe, poslovni ljudi i političari koji žele naučiti kako pred kamerama i mnogo ljudi biti zanimljiv, samouvjeren i dojmljiv, a u malo vremena reći najvažnije.